Lead Trainer: Ms Mary Adzanyo Private Sector Development-GIZ / MOVE-ComCashew (English) |
Chief Guest: H.E. Mr Patrick AchiHonourable Prime Minister of Republic of Cote d’Ivoire |
Guest of Honour: Hon Mr Gabriel MBAIROBEHonourable Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development Cameroon & Chairman CICC |
Invited Guests: | |||
Hon. M KOBENAN Kouassi Adjoumani Honourable Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development Government of Cote d’Ivoire |
Hon. Souleymane Diarrassouba Honourable Minister of Commerce & Industry Government of Cote d’Ivoire |
Hon. Amadou Kone Honourable Minister of Transport Government of Cote d’Ivoire |
Mr Sailas Thangal Honourable Ambassador of India to Cote d’Ivoire & Liberia |
Mr Diaby Aboubacar AEC-CI (English) (French) |
Mr Suraj Rao ETG |
Mr G Srivatsava Eventell Global Pvt Ltd |
9:30 am - 10:30 am
Discussion 1: 2022 Country-wise RCN Crop Status and Outlook
Chair: Mr Mamadou Doumbia Conseil du Coton et de l'Anacarde Cote d’Ivoire (French) |
Mr Peniel Fanou CoNEC Benin (English) (French) |
Mr SANFO Ibrahim CAIB, Burkina Faso (English) (French) |
Mr Bach Khanh Nhut Vinacas Inspection Board (online) (English) (French) |
Mr Dadasaheb Desai DCCD, Government of India (online) (English) (French) |
Mr Olasunkanmi Owoyemi Sunbeth Global Concepts (English) (French) |
Mr Suraj Rao ETG (English) (French) |
11:00 am - 11:45 am
Discussion 2: Cashew Processing in Africa: How to Scale-up Sustainably?11:55 am - 12:30 pm
Discussion 3: Dealing with Shipping/Logistics Challenges
Chair: Mr Karim Berthe Cotton & Cashewnut Council, Cote d’Ivoire (English) (French) |
Mr Losseni Kone Ivorycashew (online) (English) (French) |
Mr Bob BAUER AFIUS (English) (French) |
Ms Nancy Scharlach FSMA International (English) (French) |
Dr. Kelley Page JIBRELL Ivorycashew (English) (French) |
Mr Martin GEDIG Golf-game (English) (French) |
Chair: Hon. Mr Gabriel MBAIROBE Honourable Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development Cameroon & Chairman, CICC |
Côte d’Ivoire: Dr. Adama COULIBALYConseil du Coton et de l’Anacarde (CCA) |
Burkina Faso: Mr Joseph ZERBOConseil Burkinabè de l’Anacarde (CBA) (online) (English) (French) |
Ghana: Hon Mr William QUAITTOOTree Crop Development Authority (TCDA) (online) (English) (French) |
Mozambique: Ms Lúcia Sebastião AntónioInstitute of Nut of Mozambique (English) (French) |
Bénin: Mr Issaka KASSIMOUl’Agence pour le Développement Agricole Pôle4 du Ministre de l’Agriculture de l’Elevage et de la Pêche du Bénin (online) (English) (French) |
CICC: Mr André M TANDJIEKPONSecrétaire Exécutif (online) (English) (French) |
11:30 am - 12:30 am
Discussion 5: Cashew Kernel Markets Review and Outlook
Chair: Mr James Fitzpatrick Ingredient Sourcing Solutions |
Mr Tejhash Modh ETG (English) (French) |
Mr Chen Wen Symbolfood Company Ltd (online) (English) (French) |
Mr Robert Saccoccio Scalzo Foods (online) (English) (French) |
Mr Richard Rosenblatt The RFA (online) (English) (French) |
Mr Kalbavi Prakash Rao Kalbavi Cashews (online) (English) (French) |